Friday 16 May 2008

Made me laugh, then made me think...

This excellent post by the insightful and experienced worship leader Neil Bennetts, at first made me laugh, then nearly made me cry, and then challenged my heart attitude to preparing for worship. It is "bang-on".

I would appreciate any comments from our group of worship leaders on this one! So who is our "hit-spray Simon"??

1 comment:

Stuart said...


What is is the musical worship experience an experience of? If I want to listen to good music, with all die respect to you guys, I'll listen to Muse or Chicane or whatever. If I want to worship through song with other people it is much easier at church with all the flaws and sound problems and bum notes that that entails.

BUT! I hear you cry! What about the quality. Well - But my butt I don't care. If it really is that bad, God is perfectly capable of making it sound perfect if you let him.

So there.

;-) S