Wednesday 29 July 2009

Souls, lies and videotape

How we live is based on what we believe. This can be based on two alternative perceptions of reality: the one offered to us by our surroundings ie what we see, perceive & learn; or the one which is engaged in a reality we haven't yet seen or perceived.

This is about living beyond potential. Becoming more than the world might let us become. Going beyond the videotape played out by life and into a new reality shaped in the realm that is not seen. One which is mystical and fuelled by life-changing miracles. There is more. But when we look only at what there is, we can't see or believe in 'the more'. More does not signify quantity or material abundance, rather fulfilment and destiny. A belief that there is more beyond life-as-we-know it must shape the life we're in. Otherwise there is no point in believing it at all. It becomes a set of rituals and traditions.

So instead we watch the videotape played out around us. Videotape - old, worn out and obselete. It tells us what should be important, exactly what we can achieve. The problem is that it can't record unrealised imagination, dreams, vision, and meaning. It can only document what already exists. We're rattled into each scene, given a script to play out, and then told that we're done.

What about if we wrote our own scripts. Wrote our own stories, fuelled by a spirit engaged in the pursuit of a truth that lies beyond the reality presented to us. A truth that can only enter our reality when we show the courage to introduce it through our actions, our lives. Or we can continue to play our part in the predictable presentation of life offered to us. This surely kills something in us. Living in the videotape is not truth, it distorts our vision of reality and our view of what is possible.

So dream. Talk to God. Allow dreams to take hold and become a part of reality. God will introduce His dreams to the world through us, if we'll pause the tape and look up for a while.

'When Jesus got home, the blind men went in with him. Jesus said to them, "Do you really believe I can do this?" They said "Why yes, Master!" He touches their eyes and said, "Become what you believe." It happened. They saw.' Matt 9 v 27-29

1 comment:

Emyr said...

That's a powerful post Kev. Really challenging. It's certainly given me much to consider.